jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

[My life] Dogs time!

These two cute puppies are my dogs, Duna and Ona. The biggest one is the mother and the other is her daughter. I really love these dogs, they sleep with us, they play with me... They're so smart! And so cute! (especially the little one!)

[My life] La casa por el tejado

La casa por el tejado by Fito y Fitipaldis

It's an awesome song, i discovered it so many years from now, the first time i listened at it, I learned the lyrics, at the first time!!!

Like two years from that day, i ask my sister what was the name of the song, and she telled me.

I thing it's a perfect song ( in music therms like the rithm or the guitar)

[My life] Doctor Who?

This is one of my favourite TV program : Doctor Who?
Doctor Who? Tells the history of a Lord of Time and his T.A.R.D.I.S. (a time machine)... (I can be telling things about DW? during hours.)
It's an awesome thing that i have discovered, and i love it